Eight to Sixteen

In these next eight years we see the great richness in experience that children are offered as they move through different stages with increasing maturity. We may see glimpses of the boisterous speediness of Eights, the more inward businesslike nature of Nines, the warm sociability of Tens, the curiosities and chaos of Elevens, the loving friendships of Twelves, the inward ponderings of Thirteens, the new magnanimity and big thinking of Fourteens, a sometimes private sensitivity in Fifteens and again the more amenable sociability in Sixteens- all manifesting in different degrees in the individuality and temperament of your child. These profiles are lengthy because there is so little readily available information on specific ages. Other supportive information can be found in the articles and checklists in Working with troubled behaviours and in the articles on Worries about sex, drugs and technology.

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